Soweto Walk
On Sunday Bili, Steve and I did a 10 mile sponsored walk with members of ACTSA Cymru (successor organisation to The Wales Anti-Apartheid Movement) as part of a major fund raising campaign to assist educational campaigns in South Africa. The money raised from this walk will go to Dube High School in the sprawling township of Kwa Mashu in Durban to furbish the school with items such as stationery, lab equipment, desks, basic sanitation equipment etc. This year marks 30 years since the Soweto Massacre of hundreds of African school children in June 1976 and this walk was organised in remembrance.
Anyway, political rant over with. The walk itself was lovely. It started from St Donats Castle and we all stopped in the pub half way through. Subsequently Steve and I walked the second half pissed! It was a good laugh, especially me falling down a hill with bottle of Bud in my hand!
If anyone should feel moved to make a donation please do!
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