Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I'm in complete and utter agony with my bastard wisdom tooth! It's been hurting me for months now. I'm nearly 26 for fuck sake, aren't I supposed to have wisdom teeth already if I was going to get some!?! It's causing me excruciating pain and has only come through a tiny bit. I've self diagnosed an impacted wisdom tooth. Will have to make an appointment with the dentist tomorrow because the pain is turning me into a grumpy bitch (or even more of a grumpy bitch depending on your stand point)

On the plus side though I got my new camera and I love it. I've been taking pictures of anything and everything all day. Here's a picture of the lizard that my cat caught this afternoon!


At 1:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eww! That teeth stuff mings.
Actually, so does the photo of cat-kill!!! Good about the camera though.


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