Sunday, April 03, 2005

S.A.D Gardener

I spent a lovely afternoon gardening with my Mum and Sister yesterday. My garden is not so much a garden as the side of a mountain but it's coming along really well and has started to resemble something that can be passed off as a garden by now. We have terraced one patch and I spent yesterday weeding, pruning, planting and spreading bark everywhere. I've decided that I suffer from sad, not the spending your saturday gardening type of sad but the seasonally affected disorder type of S.A.D. I'm feeling great at the moment while the sun is out, really energised and full of enthusiasm for stuff. Unlike in the winter when I can't be arsed to do anything really. I love spring and summer so much (except for the inevitable bouts of hayfever.) I've got some lovely window boxes going on too!


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