Monday, March 28, 2005

Still here!

I know, I know I've been really crap at updating this blog. All I can say is that it's been a bit of a weird and shitty week and I promise to do better in the future. My excuses are :-

1) My sister and I started to clear out my Grandfather's house. I wasn't very close to him so although it was sad it felt more weird than anything else. It's so strange to be sorting through the remaining evidence of someone's life only a few days after they stopped leaving it there. Books with bookmarks in them that will never be finished, food in the freezer etc. It's made me realise how messy things are when someone dies. Anyway, I know it sounds like a cliche but something like this leaves you pondering about death and life and what it's all for and so I spent a few days dwelling on that.

2) Morgan has been ill for the last few days and so he's not been sleeping well at night and is grumpy through the days. He's being very brave though and is as always absolutely hilarious, coming up with new things every day. He's obsessed with "mumburs" (numbers) at the moment and makes you write them down a hundred times a day.

3) "They" have robbed me of an hour of my life! I've been so confused for the last 2 days. I hate it when they do this. I keep asking Ross the time and when he answers I have to ask "so what's the real time?" because it takes me a few days to adjust. I wish "They" would stop messing with time or at least provide me with evidence that it's absolutely necessary to do so.

4) I did do some nice things too. I went to St Fagans on thursday which was nice except that it rained and you can't take pushchairs into any of the buildings (someone must have told them about my driving.) Today I went to the park with Morgan and Ross and then to my Mum's which was nice as well.

So there you have it, a week in the life of me. I promise to update this blog more regularly from now on, honest.

Monday, March 21, 2005

New Sofas

Posted by HelloMy new sofas came today. Hoorah! They're a bit bigger than I thought they'd be so they almost fill my small living room entirely. They're taking some getting used to but I think I like them. Also the council aren't picking up the old sofas till the 24th of March so I have 2 pairs of sofas in here at the moment so you can't actually walk anywhere, on the plus side though there's lots of places to sit down! (or to climb if you're 18 months old or a cat).

Some Sad News

Posted by HelloMy Grandad died yesterday evening. He had his family around him and died peacefully in hospital so that's some comfort, still we're obviously all very sad. He was very influential in the field of education so I thought I'd mention it as one of his achievements but more impotantly he was my Grandad so this post is in honour of him. Xx

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Just checking if I can post pictures. I really hope this works because it's taken ages to work out. Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 19, 2005

C'mon Wales!

Spent a lovely morning in the Rhondda heritage park in Trehafod today and had a nice meal there. Arrived home in time to watch the rugby, which is strange for me but I must admit I did get into the whole excitment of it all and shouted till I had a sore throat! It's not everyday the Welsh win the six nations and the grand slam is it. Watching Dr Who night now. What has happend to me?

Friday, March 18, 2005

The Rhondda Valleys

Morgan and I spent a lovely afternoon in Ynysangharad Park in Pontypridd today. The weather was lovely and we had a good game of football with a beach ball. The afternoon was only marginally spoiled, for me anyway by an old woman who came to talk to me for 30 minutes. Originating from Cardiff where no one ever stops to talk to you I still find the general chattiness of the valleys people a little disconcerting, mainly because I can never think of anything to say. It did however get me thinking about how different things are down this neck of the woods.

Having lived in Porth for nearly 2 years now I can honestly say that I have come to really love it here. Despite my difficulty in making idle chit- chat I love the sense of community here. The people are so much friendlier and while this sometimes makes popping out for a quick pint of milk take half an hour it is nice to live somewhere where you actually know your neighbours and the people who own the shop etc, especially if you spend all your time here as I do. The one bad thing about living in the valleys though is that you have to do everything on a hill e.g taking the baby out of the car, which I find to be a complete bitch anyway and almost impossible to do without banging his head on the car door frame! You can't go anywhere without having to go up at least two hills, while this is obviously good for the legs it leaves you totally exhausted ( especially when you're pushing 2 stone of toddler plus shopping!). I know what you're thinking, "get off your lazy ass and learn to drive then" and to be fair you're right. However some of you may remember that the last time I tried learning to drive I did infact crash into a tree (in my defence it was only a small tree).

God! I've just seen how much I've written so I will end my comparative study of the differing ways of life in Cardiff and the Rhondda valleys simply by saying, " I bloody loves it yer I do!"

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sleep Regime

Having spent the last 18 months in a state of complete and utter exhaustion (I had somehow managed to produce a child who would not sleep for more than a couple of hours in a row) I have discovered the most amazing sleep regime book which I downloaded from the internet at 3am one morning. It has worked a treat!! The little monkey is now in bed by 7.30pm and usually sleeps through the night.

My life has been transformed and I am now re discovering the joys of reading a good book or watching a film etc. So any suggestions on how I can spend my new found leisure time greatfully received.

Oh and by the way Happy St Patricks Day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

New Blogger!

Hello everyone (if anyone is actually reading this!) To be honest I'm not really sure what I'm doing here, kinda figuring it out as I go along. Anyway here goes:

I was introduced to the world of blogging by my good mate Angharad. I urge you to check out her blog as it is guarnteed to be more interesting than mine.
I thought the whole concept of a blog was fabulous and in particular loved the idea that I could keep up to date with events in Angharad's life, as any of my friends will tell you I'm lame as fuck at keeping in contact. I toyed with the idea of starting my own blog for ages but didn't think that the life of a 25 year old stay at home mother would hold much interest to anyone but in the end I thought I'd give it a go anyway!

I can't promise that I'll often have anything exciting to say but at the very least you will be able to read of the trials and tribulations of a first time Mum (and believe me there are many). My son, Morgan will be 18 months old tomorrow and is both adorable and a complete handful. So to all the friends I have neglected over the last 2 years or so, I'm still here and i love you all so send me your comments and I'll keep you posted. Xx