Friday, April 29, 2005

Quiet Night In

My friend Tracy came over for the evening yesterday. It was dead nice to see her, as with all my friends it had been far too long since the last time I'd seen her. We had a filthy kebab which was absolutely delicious and caught up on all the gossip since the last time we'd spoken. She's one of the only people I can have a right proper bitching session with and not have to worry what I say (Angharad is another one - we have to meet up soon misses!) Despite the fact that she missed her last train home and had her asthma irritated by having to stay in the spare bedroom which my cat sleeps in, it was a good night.

Ross is out with his work colleagues tonight, I have just put Morgan to bed and am now looking forward to having the house to myself. Think I'll chill out in front of the TV and then read my book for an hour or so. Bliss!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Trivial Pursuits

Ross and I spent a lovely evening with my sister and her boyfriend, Steve on friday playing Trivial Pursuit. I prepared nibbles and we had a few drinks and a good time was had by all. I know what you're thinking, I really should get out more. While this is probably true it really was a good laugh, even though Bili and Steve beat us (didn't think you'd let me get away with not mentioning that Bili!) On a totally unrelated topic (although again maybe I should be doing something else of a saturday evening) I have just seen the most amazing Dr Who clip on Mark's Blog. Daleks!! It gave me goose bumps, I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Bake Sale

Once you become a mother I swear that people just assume that you become some kind of domestic goddess a la Nigela Lawson, able to bake, look after your children and complete other house wifey tasks whilst looking immaculate and sexy all at the same time. Well I'm here to tell you that that is absolutely not the case and I have photographic evidence to prove it. Tomorrow is "Bake Sale" day in Morgan's Ti a Fi (playgroup) and below is a picture of my efforts for it. More Nigel Lawson than Nigela I'm sure you'll agree ( and I don't just mean the cakes, luckily for you I have not posted a picture of myself at the moment, far from immaculate and sexy I can tell you). I know that compared to the rest of you childless 20 somethings I don't have much of a social life but for Christ sake I can think of better things to do with my time than baking (badly). Oh well, at least I made the effort, eh!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Morgan 18 Months

Morgan 18 months
Originally uploaded by sianni.
Not much to report since I last posted. We went to my Dad's on the weekend so that Ross could set up his wireless network. While Ross slaved away, Morgan and I played in the sunshine. There are a few more photos if you click on the link, don't feel obliged though!

Going For a Drive

Going for a drive
Originally uploaded by sianni.
He's very advanced for his age! Keys in hand, just off for a spin in the car.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Weird nighttime Behaviour

This is not actually as exciting as the title suggests. I have however been doing the strangest things in my sleep lately. I keep sitting up, shaking Ross awake and asking him random questions. For example I shook him awake last night and kept asking him "What's faulty?" - Obviously I am! If anyone has any idea what this kind of behaviour means please let me know.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I'm in complete and utter agony with my bastard wisdom tooth! It's been hurting me for months now. I'm nearly 26 for fuck sake, aren't I supposed to have wisdom teeth already if I was going to get some!?! It's causing me excruciating pain and has only come through a tiny bit. I've self diagnosed an impacted wisdom tooth. Will have to make an appointment with the dentist tomorrow because the pain is turning me into a grumpy bitch (or even more of a grumpy bitch depending on your stand point)

On the plus side though I got my new camera and I love it. I've been taking pictures of anything and everything all day. Here's a picture of the lizard that my cat caught this afternoon!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Originally uploaded by sianni.
Yey, just thought I'd give this a try for when I get my new camera and you lucky people get to see all my lovely photos. You lucky lucky people!

Friday, April 08, 2005

New Camera

I'm getting a new camera! I'm sooooo excited. Watch this space for loads of photos in the very near future!

NHS Update

Had a letter this morning to say that Morgan's next appointment at the hospital with the dietician has been cancelled due to "circumstances beyond our control". While I'm not impressed with this I'm not sure how useful it would have been anyway. It was just so they could tell me not to feed him anything with eggs and peanuts in it, I think I can work that one out for myself! Well I'm glad I'm not waiting for a hip replacement, that's all I can say!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Master of Magic, Spells and Illusions!

Check this out, It freaked me out. I have never been able to see those 3D posters etc. so I was highly excited that I could see this. I have to go now though because I have to clean my house before Hustle at 9pm, I'm really loving the fact that it's back on TV. God, I'm interesting!

Dr Who Review

Ross has had his review of the second episode of Dr Who published. Isn't he a clever bunny! Read it here

Monday, April 04, 2005

NHS...No Hope Sunshine!

We had to take Morgan to hospital today to have skin prick tests as he is allergic to peanuts and eggs which is a complete pain in the arse when shopping or cooking as everything seems to contain one or the other and is very worrying in general as food allergies can be very serious. Anyway we had known about this appointment for 6 months and as the prospect of watching your child being poked with needles is not one that any parent relishes, understandably it has been playing on my mind a little, especially over the last week. Also Ross had taken a days leave to be there too so you can imagine my dismay when after an hours wait we were told that they weren't going to do anything and that we should come back in a years time! I knew that long waits for treatment were a problem with the NHS but surely I am not the only one who thinks that waiting 6 months to find out nothing is ridiculous? Suffice to say I was not amused!

Sunday, April 03, 2005


This made me chuckle a bit. It's always funny to see someone who's being a twat get hurt, innit!

S.A.D Gardener

I spent a lovely afternoon gardening with my Mum and Sister yesterday. My garden is not so much a garden as the side of a mountain but it's coming along really well and has started to resemble something that can be passed off as a garden by now. We have terraced one patch and I spent yesterday weeding, pruning, planting and spreading bark everywhere. I've decided that I suffer from sad, not the spending your saturday gardening type of sad but the seasonally affected disorder type of S.A.D. I'm feeling great at the moment while the sun is out, really energised and full of enthusiasm for stuff. Unlike in the winter when I can't be arsed to do anything really. I love spring and summer so much (except for the inevitable bouts of hayfever.) I've got some lovely window boxes going on too!