I've been really crap at updating this blog recently. It's seems like so much has been going on recently that I haven't had the time, also Ross has re built my computer and I had to re install various bits of software and all that kind of malarky. Anyway here is a quick summary of some of the things I've been doing:
Most of this week has been spent helping my friend Elese and her little boy Dewi move house, mostly this has involved sitting around, drinking coffee and talking about it, but somehow she managed to get it all done and is spending her first night in her new home tonight. It's been scary for her to leave Dewi's Dad and become a single parent but all in all it's for the best. On a purely selfish level though I'm a bit gutted that she's moved further away from me as she used to live at the bottom of my street and now I'm actually going to have to walk further than a few steps to see her.
One of my other friends has had some big news too (you know who you are!) but we'll leave that for a future post.
The rest of the time has been spent taking Morgan out on day trips in the lovely weather we've been having. We went to the Rhondda heritage park
It was really nice and Morgan had a lovely time playing in the park
I have also spent some time pottering around in my garden
Morgan had a great time planting seeds ( or eating compost depending on how you choose to look at it) He mastered the watering can too, although he soaked himself and everything else within a 10 metre radius in the process!
Tomorrow morning will be spent drinking coffee in Elese's new house, it's a hard life innit. Then tomorrow afternoon I am looking after Dewi which I'm sure will be nice for Morgan, if he can get his head around sharing his toys. So there we have it, my week in short and a promise to at least try to post more regularly.